End of Summer Panzanella

Recipe from Sprouted Kitchen 

3 cups whole grain bread, cut in 1 inch cubes

1 New Albany Organics bell pepper, roasted

2 New Albany Organics heirloom tomatoes

½ New Albany Organics sweet onion

1 cup garbanzo beans

1 cup basil, roughly chopped

1 cup New Albany Organics arugula

¼ cup toasted pine nuts

1 Tbsp. extra virgin olive oil

garlic salt and fresh ground pepper

3 Tbsp. pesto

2 Tbsp. lemon juice


Set oven to 400˚. To roast bell pepper, place pepper on a baking sheet and roast in the oven until the outer skin is soft and charred in spots. Transfer pepper to a bowl and cover with plastic wrap or place in a plastic bag and seal. Leave for 5 to 10 minutes then remove the outer skin, stem, and seeds. On the same baking sheet, spread out cubes of bread on a baking sheet, drizzle with the tablespoon of olive oil and toss cubes around to evenly coat with oil. Add salt and pepper to the bread and toast in the top rack of the oven for 10 minutes. Toss bread cubes around half way through baking time.

Slice the heirloom tomatoes into cubes, leaving the seeds in. Roughly chop the roasted pepper and slice the half of the sweet onion as thin as possible. In a large bowl, combine the bread, tomatoes, onion, roasted peppers, garbanzo beans, arugula, and half of the basil and pine nuts.

Combine the pesto and lemon juice together with a small whisk. Drizzle desired amount onto the panzanella and toss. Serve immediately once tossed as bread will become soggy.